Real estate appraisal Seaford VIC 3198

How Much Is My Home Worth In Seaford?

Real Estate Appraisal Seaford VIC 3198

The median price for a house in Seaford is $690,000 as of January 21, 2021. A median-priced unit is $550,000. There have been 221 houses and 109 units sold in the past year. The average annual capital growth for houses is 5.98% and units is 5.91%. The 12-month capital growth is 8.66% on houses and 11.90% for units. The Demand to Supply Ratio or DSR rating has houses as above average and units as good. There is a strong demand for units in Seaford. Unit sellers are getting the price they are asking for with an average of 59 days on the market. House sellers are also getting competitive bids from buyers. The average wait to sell a house is 56 days. As an investment in either houses or units, you can expect the capital growth to trend ahead of the national average.
House prices and rent returns in Seaford.

  • 2 bedroom home $610,000 Rent per week $335
  • 3 bedroom home $638,000 Rent per week $395
  • 4 bedroom home $750,000 Rent per week $430

Unit prices and rent returns in Seaford.

  • 1 bedroom unit No Data Rent per week $273
  • 2 bedroom unit $431,000 Rent per week $325
  • 3 bedroom unit $603,250 Rent per week $400

The gross rental yield for houses is 3.20% and for units it is 3.59% in Seaford.

Free Real Estate Appraisal Seaford

Seaford house and unit prices are returning great value for vendors. Our property consultants will give you a free appraisal as to the value of your property. We appraise land, units, apartments, townhouses and houses. We include the recent sales history, location to amenities, schools and shops. We have sold hundreds of properties in the region and you will get an accurate market price value.

Free Rental Appraisal Seaford

O’Brien real estate group manage over 3500 properties in Melbourne. Our property managers will give you a free rental appraisal on your expected weekly rent returns. So, if you own an investment property or want to rent your current home we can give you an accurate price on the rent to be expected. We like to meet with the landlord or owner and determine if the property is for short or long term lease. We also like to know the type of tenant you prefer. We have a large list of potential tenants that can move in straight away. Each week your property is vacant costs about 2% of your return. We want to maximise your return on investment.

Property Valuation Seaford

Did you know there is a difference between a property valuation and an appraisal? If, for legal reasons you require a valuation then you have to engage the services of a registered valuer. This service will come with a fee. An appraisal can be performed by any licensed real estate agent.

Suburb Profile Seaford

Seaford Enquiry

Lifestyle in Seaford
Seaford is situated on Port Phillip 35 kilometres from the Melbourne CBD. There are about 17,000 residents with an average age between 20 – 39. two-thirds of the population are split between purchasing and renting. The are numerous sporting clubs that cater to cricket, rugby, football and soccer. There is the 2.5 hectare Keast Park which is designed to protect the ecology of the area along the foreshore. Its neighbouring suburbs inlcude Carrum Downs, Patterson Lakes and Frankston North. The Seaford train station is part of the Frankston line. The Eastlink M3 motorway runs through Seaford.
Schools in Seaford
There are 8 schools in Seaford.

  • Belvedere Park Primary School Co-educational
  • Kananook Primary School Co-educational
  • Nepean Special School Co-eductaional Special
  • Patterson River Secondary College Co-educational
  • Seaford North Primary School Co-educational
  • Seaford Park Primary School Co-educational
  • Seaford Primary School co-educational
  • St Anne’s School co-educational

Seaford Real Estate Agent Contact Details.

Stavros Ambatzidis
Director of Carrum Downs Office
Phone: 03 9783 0688
E:Email Here