Real estate appraisal Preston VIC 3072

How Much is My Home Worth in Preston?

Real Estate Appraisal Preston VIC 3072

The median price for a house in Preston is $1,047,000 as of Januaryuary 55th, 2021. A median-priced unit is $500,000. There have been 203 houses and 153 units sold this year. The average annual capital growth for houses is 5.73% and units is 1.58%. The 12-month capital growth is 14.74% on houses and 8.11% for units. The Demand to Supply Ratio or DSR rating has houses as good and units or apartments as very good. A very good rating says there is a strong demand for units in Preston yet not enough properties on the market. A vendor does not have a long wait before they receive a good offer. As an investment expect excellent capital growth. On average, it takes 48 days to sell a house and 73 days to sell a unit.
House prices and rent returns in Preston.

  • 2 bedroom home $845,000 Rent per week $440
  • 3 bedroom home $920,000 Rent per week $500
  • 4 bedroom home $1,093,000 Rent per week $600

Unit prices and rent returns in Preston.

  • 1 bedroom unit $337,500 Rent per week $350
  • 2 bedroom unit $495,000 Rent per week $420
  • 3 bedroom unit $690,500 Rent per week $500

The gross rental yield for houses is 2.48%. For units, the gross rental yield is 4.32%

Free Real Estate Appraisal Preston

Selling your house in Preston? Do you want to know the current market price of your house or unit? Our appraisers will deliver an accurate appraisal based on recent sales data together with the location to amenities, schools, and shops. Our agents will provide this valuation free of charge.

Free Rental Appraisal Preston

Do you have an investment property you wish to rent? Or, do you want to rent out your current home? Our property management team currently manages over 3600 properties. There is no scenario we have not dealt with when it comes to managing real estate. We use the latest software tools to streamline our services. We deal directly with the landlord and keep them up to speed with the rental of their property.

Property Valuation Preston

Did you know there is a difference between a property valuation and an appraisal? If, for legal reasons you require a valuation then you have to engage the services of a registered valuer. This service will come with a fee. An appraisal can be performed by any licensed real estate agent.

Tour of Preston

Preston Enquiry

Lifestyle in Preston
Preston is located just 9 kilometres north of the Melbourne Central Business District. At the 2016 national Census, Preston had a population of 32,851. The Preston Railway Staion runs along the Mernda line. There is also the Northland Shopping complex. There is almost every type of shop you will find in Preston. There is also an arts and entertainment community together with multiple sporting bodies.
Schools in Preston
There are 9 schools in Preston.

  • Bell Primary School Co-educational
  • Parade College Boys
  • St John’s Greek Orthodox College Boys Private
  • Northland Secondary College Co-educational
  • Preston Girls Secondary College Girls
  • Preston North East Primary School Co-educational
  • Preston Primary School Co-educational
  • Preston South Primary School Co-educational
  • Sacred Heart Primary School Co-educational

Preston Real Estate Agent Contact Details.
George Stathakis
Director of Preston Office
Phone: 03 9478 5005
E:Email Here