The Great Seed Giveaway
Growing your community, garden & home price.
OBrien Real Estate Sydenham, Brimbank’s freshest real estate agency are promoting Health and Energy through a Great Seed Giveaway (GSG).
The Giveaway is of 7 varieties of seeds that easily grow in people gardens, between March 6 till March 12 OBrien Real Estate Sydenham are in Watergardens Shopping Centre, Target Mall outside the foodcourt, hoping to give out over 2000 packets of seeds to local residents and shoppers.
Director of OBrien Real Estate Sydenham Alex Dacakis says GSG is a great way to provide a community service, encouraging healthy eating, tackling climate change, thrifty eating, as well as a great way for families to experience something that might be new to them.
We have personally sourced easy to grow seeds that can be planted this season. All seeds are certified heirloom, open-pollinated, non-hybrid and non-GMO.
If residents are unable to make it down to Watergardens during March 6 and 12, they alternatively can drop into our office to collect the seeds.
Alex Dacakis and his team are looking forward to discussing the Giveaway with residents and shoppers and of course seeing the fruits of their labour when it’s time to harvest.