Real estate appraisal Clyde North VIC 3978

How Much is My Home Worth in Clyde North?

Real Estate Appraisal Clyde North VIC 3978

The median price for a home in Clyde North is $599,900 as of January 9, 2021. There have been 348 houses sold this year. The average annual capital growth for homes is 9.68%. Over the past 12 months, capital growth is 4.41% for houses. The Demand to Supply Ratio rating, DSR, rates houses as above average. There are a few more buyers than sellers. An arm wrestle has developed between purchasers and vendors. Buyers can sometimes get a good price of the property is a quick sale. This is a good market for investors as capital growth should stay ahead of the national real estate average.
House prices and rent returns in Clyde North.

  • 3 bedroom home $529,000 Rent per week $380
  • 4 bedroom home $611,000 Rent per week $420

Unit prices and rent returns in Clyde North.

  • 2 bedroom unit No Data Rent per week $345
  • 3 bedroom unit No Data Rent per week $380

The gross rental yield is 3.58% for houses. It takes 64 days to sell a house in Clyde North.

Free Real Estate Appraisal Clyde North

Thinking of selling your home in Clyde North? We provide free real estate appraisals on houses and land. We have sold over 60 properties in Clyde North and Clyde. When appraising a property we evaluate the recent real estate sales history, location to shops, public transport, schools and amenities. We can show you how we get our price.

Rental Appraisal Clyde North

Do you have an investment property or your own house you wish to rent? Our property management team currently manages over 3500 rentals. They are very experienced in appraising the weekly rent return you can expect. Also, we have a database of potential tenants wanting to lease homes in Clyde North. We work closely with the landlord on the type of tenant they prefer. All tenants are security checked.

Clyde North Enquiry

Lifestyle in Clyde North
Clyde North is located 46 kilometres from the Melbourne CBD in the south east. Its neighbouring suburbs are Cranbourne, Clyde and Officer. There is the Shopping on Clyde which has a Coles and a number of cafes and other shops. Casey Race is located to the east in Cranbourne.

The closest train stations are Officer and Beaconsfield to the north on the Pakenham line and Cranbourne to the west.

Schools in Clyde North
There is one school in Clyde North.
Hillcrest Christian College Co-educational
Early learning to Tear 12.
500 Soldiers Rd Clyde North VIC 3978
03 97022144

Clyde North Real Estate Agent Contact Details.

Matt Dewan
Director of Cranbourne Office
Phone: 03 5995 0500
Mobile: 0416 638 010
E:Email Here