Real estate appraisal Bayswater North VIC 3153

How Much is My Home Worth in Bayswater North?

Real Estate Appraisal Bayswater North VIC 3153

The median price for a house in Bayswater North is $720,000 as of January 7, 2021. A median-priced unit is $538,000. There has been 79 homes and 64 units sold this year. Of the houses sold 46 were 3 bedrooms. It takes on average 38 days to sell a house and for units, it is 30 days. The gross rental yield for houses is 2.98% and for units, it is 3.75%.

The average annual capital growth for houses is 5.12% and for units, it is 4.73%. The twelve-month capital growth is 5.73% on houses and 6.99% for units or apartments. The DSR or Demand to Supply Ratio rating has homes and units as good. There are currently more buyers than vendors. Sellers are generally getting their asking price. Investing in property in Bayswater North should see the capital growth be ahead of the national average.
House prices and rent returns in Bayswater North.

  • 2 bedroom home No Data Rent per week $350
  • 3 bedroom home $708,000 Rent per week $400
  • 4 bedroom home $796,000 Rent per week $450

Unit prices and rent returns in Bayswater North.

  • 2 bedroom unit $495,000 Rent per week $350
  • 3 bedroom unit $595,000 Rent per week $400

Free Real Estate Appraisal Bayswater North

Do you want to know the market price of your home in Bayswater North? If you are thinking of selling your home our sales agents will provide a free property appraisal on land, units, apartments and houses. All our estimations are founded on location to shops, schools and amenities. We also count the number of sales ane recent sales history.

Free Rental Appraisal Bayswater North

The O’Brien Real Estate Group currently manages over 3700 properties in Melbourne. Our rental managers are available to provide a free rental appraisal on houses, units and apartments. We will give you an accurate price on your expected weekly rent return. We use the latest software to track all routine inspections together with maintenance issues and rent collection. At the end of each month we furnish our landlords with full tax accounting documentation. We love to build a relationship with our owners and maximise their return on investment.

Canterbury Gardens Bayswater North

Bayswater North Enquiry

Lifestyle in Bayswater North
Bayswater North is located 24 kilometres from the CBD of Melbourne in the east. The closest train is at Bayswater which runs on the Belgrave line. Its neighbours include Heathmont, Kilsyth South, Ringwood East and Croydon South. There is the Canterbury Gardens shopping centre which has a Woolworths.

Schools in Bayswater North
There are 2 schools in Bayswater North.

Bayswater North Real Estate Agent Contact Details.

Geraint Gardner
Director of Wantirna Office
Phone: 03 8820 8338
Mobile:0450 923 437
E:Email Here