Real estate appraisal Blackburn South VIC 3130

How Much is My Home Worth in Blackburn South?

Real Estate Appraisal Blackburn South VIC 3130

The median price for a house in Blackburn South is $1,086,000 as of January 7, 2021. A median-priced unit is $850,000. There have been 36 houses and 55 units sold in the last year. Of the house sales, 23 were four bedrooms. It takes on average 37 days to sell a house and 42 days to sell a unit. The annual capital growth for homes is 6.27% and units is 4.63%. The 12-month capital growth is 3.90% on houses and 0.00% for units.

The Demand to Supply Ratio or DSR rating puts homes as good and units as above average. Effectively the market is saying there are more buyers than sellers for units. Vendors are more often than not getting their asking price. If you were to purchase or invest in a property in Blackburn South the capital growth should stay ahead of the national average.
House prices and rent returns in Blackburn South.

  • 2 bedroom home No Data Rent per week $395
  • 3 bedroom home $1,015,000 Rent per week $445
  • 4 bedroom home $1,190,000 Rent per week $555

Unit prices and rent returns in Blackburn South.

  • 2 bedroom unit No Data Rent per week $420
  • 3 bedroom unit $950,000 Rent per week $515

The gross rental yield for houses is 2.86% and for units, it is 3.71%.

Free Real Estate Appraisal Blackburn South

Are you going to sell your home? Do you want to know the market price for your house or unit? Our real estate agents provide free property appraisals on units, apartments, land and houses. We determine the property price based on its location to shops, schools and public transport. We also take into account recent sales history. Our appraisers will deliver a fast and accurate value of your home and what you can expect as an offer in today’s property climate.

Free Rental Appraisal Blackburn South

Do you want to rent your home and need a property manager? Or, do you own an investment property and need a rental manager? The O’Brien Real Estate Group manage over 3650 homes in Melbourne. Our rental appraisers will provide a free estimation on your expected weekly rent return. We will discuss with the owner the length of the lease and who they prefer renting their home. We manage the rent collection, routine inspections, maintenance and tax accounting. We have a large database of tenants wanting to rent now.

Property Valuation Blackburn South

Did you know there is a difference between a property valuation and an appraisal? If, for legal reasons you require a valuation then you have to engage the services of a registered valuer. This service will come with a fee. An appraisal can be performed by any licensed real estate agent.

Wurundjeri Walk, Blackburn South

Blackburn South Enquiry

Lifestyle in Blackburn South
Blackburn South is located 16 kilometres south-east of the Melbourne central business district. At the last Census, there were 10,793 registered residents. Its neighbouring suburbs include Forest Hill, Blackburn and Box Hill. Central to Blackburn South is the Orchard Grove Reserve and Wurundjeri Wetlands. Just outside the eastern border is the Forest Hill Chase shopping centre.

Schools in Blackburn South
There are 3 schools in Blackburn South.

Blackburn South Real Estate Agent Contact Details.

Anthony Molinaro
Director of Blackburn Office
Phone: 03 9894 2044
Mobile: 0411 061 796
E: Email Here