Real estate appraisal Brighton VIC 3186

How Much is My Home Worth in Brighton?

Real Estate Appraisal Brighton VIC 3186

The median price for a house in Brighton is $2,850,000 as of January 19, 2021. A median-priced unit is $1,082,000. There have been 180 houses and 132 units sold this year. The average annual capital growth for houses is 5.06% and units is 3.66%. The12-month capital growth is 8.78% on houses and 7.13% for units. The Demand to Supply Ratio or DSR rating has houses and units or apartments as above average. There is currently more demand than supply but not by much. Vendors are usually getting the price they are asking for. As an investment expect the capital growth to trend ahead of the national average. Houses remain for 65 days on the market and units take 88 days until they are sold.
House prices and rent returns in Brighton.

  • 2 bedroom home $1,405,000 Rent per week $590
  • 3 bedroom home $2,140,000 Rent per week $885
  • 4 bedroom home $3,000,000 Rent per week $1295

Unit prices and rent returns in Brighton.

  • 1 bedroom unit $720,000 Rent per week $400
  • 2 bedroom unit $865,500 Rent per week $525
  • 3 bedroom unit $1,585,000 Rent per week $800

The gross rental yield for houses is 2.24% And for units, it is 2.88%.

Free Real Estate Appraisal Brighton

Selling your house in Brighton? Do you want to know the current market price of your house or unit? Our appraisers will deliver an accurate appraisal based on recent sales data together with the location to amenities, schools and shops. Our agents will provide this valuation free of charge.

Free Rental Appraisal Brighton

Do you have an investment property you wish to rent? Or, do you want to rent out your current home? Our property management team currently manages over 3600 properties. There is no scenario we have not dealt with when it comes to managing real estate. We use the latest software tools to streamline our services. We deal directly with the landlord and keep them up to speed with the rental of their property.

Brighton, Victoria

Brighton Enquiry

Lifestyle in Brighton
Brighton is an expensive suburb of Melbourne. It is located just 11 kilometres from the CBD on Port Phillip. This is a leafy bayside suburb that gives residents multiple choice of leisure activities. The population is around 23,000. A feature of Brighton are its 82 colorful beach boxes on Dendy Street.
Schools in Brighton
There are 11 schools in Brighton.

  • Brighton Beach Primary School Co-educational
  • Brighton Primary School Co-educational
  • Brighton Grammar School Boys
  • Firbank Grammar School Girls
  • Xavier College Boys
  • St Joan Of Arc School Co-educational

Brighton Real Estate Agent Contact Details.

Robert Eierweis
Directors of Brighton Office
Phone: 03 9088 8888
Mobile: 0413 779 604
E: Email