Real estate appraisal Bunyip VIC 3815

How Much is My Home Worth in Bunyip?

Real Estate Appraisal Bunyip Vic 3815

The median price for a house in Bunyip is $572,000 as of January 18, 2021. There have been 31 houses sold in the last year. Of these sales, 18 were 3 bedroom homes. The mdian price for a unit is $439,000. The average annual capital growth for houses is 8.10% and for units it si 16.90%. The 12-month capital growth is 13.77% on houses. The Demand to Supply Ratio or DSR rating has houses ranked as good. There is currently more demand than supply. Sellers are getting their asking price and there is competition for property in Bunyip. If you are purchasing the property to live in or as an investment you should expect the capital growth to stay ahead of the national average. The gross rental yield for a house is 3.67% and it is 3.70% for a unit. It takes approximately 85 days to sell a house in Bunyip.
House prices and rent returns in Bunyip.

  • 3 bedroom home $580,000 Rent per week $350
  • 4 bedroom home $685,000 Rent per week $450

Free Real Estate Appraisal Bunyip

Selling your house or land in Bunyip? If you want to have your property valued our sales agents will do this for free. We will give you an accurate market-priced valuation on what your house or property is worth. We base our findings on recent sales history in Bunyip. We also include the location to schools, shops and public amenities. We present our appraisal in a professional manner and efficiently.

Free Rental Appraisal Bunyip

Have you purchased an investment property in Bunyip that you wish to rent? Or, are you moving out of your current home and wish to rent it out? The O’Brien property management team currently manage over 3300 properties. We are experts in managing rental properties. We utilise the latest software that manages both landlord and tenant. Our lease contracts are made clear to the tenant as to their obligations in maintaining the property. Our landlords are given full tax accounting files. We manage all the routine inspections and attend to any maintenance issues.

Property Valuation Bunyip

Are you aware there is a difference between an appraisal and a valuation of a real estate property? Any licenced agent can provide an appraisal. However, if your require a valuation for legal purposes then you must engage the services of a licenced valuer. This service will come at a fee.

Bunyip Victoria

Bunyip Enquiry

Lifestyle in Bunyip
About 2500 people reside in Bunyip which is located 82 kilometres south-east of Melbourne. Its neighbouring suburbs are Garfield, Vervale and Longwarry. The Name Bunyip is from the mythical Aboriginal creature. Sporting codes include AFL Football, Netball and Soccer. There are 2 kindergartens and a modern medical facility opposite the aged care centre. The M1 Motorway runs along the northern border.
Schools in Bunyip
There are 2 schools in Bunyip.

Bunyip Real Estate Agent Contact Details.
Peter Clark
Director of Drouin Office
Address: 40 Princes Way, Drouin VIC 3818
Phone: 03 5625 1671
Mobile: 0418 599 432
Email: Here