Real estate appraisal Chelsea Heights VIC 3196

How Much is My Home Worth in Chelsea Heights?

Real Estate Appraisal Chelsea Heights VIC 3196

The median price for a house in Chelsea Heights is $798,750 as of January 5, 2021. A median-priced unit is $627,000. There have been 47 houses and 12 units sold in the last year. The average annual capital growth for houses is 6.49% and for units it is 10.08%. The 12-month capital growth is 12.32% on houses and 1.95% for units. The Demand to Supply Ratio or DSR rating has homes as very good. Demand is ahead of supply and there are not enough properties available for interested buyers. As a property investment, you can expect capital growth to be ahead of the national average. Sellers are usually getting their asking price and do not have to wait long for a strong offer.
House prices and rent returns in Chelsea Heights.

  • 2 bedroom home No Data Rent per week No Data
  • 3 bedroom home $757,000 Rent per week $383
  • 4 bedroom home $750,000 Rent per week No Data

Unit prices and rent returns in Chelsea Heights.

  • 3 bedroom home No Data Rent per week $420

The gross rental yield for houses is 2.93% and for units, it is 3.73%. It takes 37 days to sell a house and 34 days to sell a unit in Chelsea Heights.

Free Real Estate Appraisal Chelsea Heights

Are you thinking of selling your Chelsea Heights home? Our real estate sales agents will give you a free, accurate market price as to the value of your home or land. We base our appraisals on the location to schools, shops, amenities and recent sales history.

Free Rental Appraisal Chelsea Heights

Have you recently purchased an investment property or wish to rent out your home? Our property management team are available to give you a free rental appraisal on your house or unit. We manage over 3600 property’s in Melbourne. We use state of the art software which maintains inspections and rent collection. We provide to our landlord’s full tax accounting files. We can maximise your return on investment.

Property Valuation Chelsea Heights

There is a difference between an appraisal and a valuation. Appraisals can be performed by any of our agents free of charge. But, if for legal reasons you require a property valuation then you must employ a registered valuer. For this service, you will be charged a fee.

Suburb Profile Chelsea Heights

Chelsea Heights Enquiry

Lifestyle in Chelsea Heights
About 5335 people reside in Chelsea Heights which is located 30 kilometres south-east from the Melbourne CBD. Neighbouring suburbs include Chelsea, Edithvale, Aspendale Gardens and Bangholme. The Mornington Freeway touchs on the south-eastern corner. To the north-west are the Edithvale-Seaford Wetlands Environmental area.

Schools in Chelsea Heights
There is 1 school in Chelsea Heights.

Chelsea Heights Real Estate Agent Contact Details.

Stavros Ambatzidis
Director of Chelsea Office
Phone: 03 9772 7077
Mobile: 0409 708 000
E:Email: Here