Real estate appraisal Roxburgh Park VIC 3064

How Much Is My Home Worth In Roxburgh Park?

Real Estate Appraisal Roxburgh Park VIC 3064

The median price for a house in Roxburgh Park is $572,000 as of January 25, 2021. A median-priced unit is $389,000. In the last year there were 175 houses sell and 10 units sold in Roxburgh Park. The average annual capital growth is 4.52% for houses and for units, it’s 5.96%. For Roxburgh Park, the capital growth over the last 12 months has been 5.48% on houses and 7.63% for units. The gross rental yield for houses is 3.66% and for units, it is 4.95%. The Demand to Supply Ratio or DSR rating has houses as good and units or apartments as balanced. There is strong demand from buyers yet not enough properties to give them time to be choosey. Sellers do not have long to wait before they receive a healthy offer. Prices are being driven upward. Expect good capital growth in the immediate future.
House prices and rent returns in Roxburgh Park.

  • 3 bedroom home $545,500. Rent per week $390
  • 4 bedroom home $615,000. Rent per week $430

Unit prices and rent returns in Roxburgh Park.

  • 3 bedroom unit No Data Rent per week $370

It takes on average 53 days to sell a house in Roxburgh Park.

Free Real Estate Appraisal Roxburgh Park

Do you want to sell your home but want to know its market value first? Our real estate agents will deliver an accurate market price on your home. We appraise units, land and houses. All our appraisals are professionally presented to the vendor. Our market price is based on the properties location to amenities, schools and shops. We also factor in the recent sales history of homes in Roxburgh Park.

Free Rental Appraisal Roxburgh Park

Have you purchased an investment property you want to rent? Or, are you thinking of renting your existing home? Our property management team currently manage over 250 properties. We utilise the latest rental software when it comes to managing our properties for landlords. We facilitate rent collection, routine inspections and maintenance. Our software also enables us to deliver full tax accounting files. We base our rental appraisals on recent rental history, location to shops, schools and amenities.

Property Valuation Roxburgh Park

Did you know there is a difference between a property valuation and an appraisal? If, for legal reasons you require a valuation then you have to engage the services of a registered valuer. This service will come with a fee. An appraisal can be performed by any licensed real estate agent.

Roxburgh Park Central

Roxburgh Park Enquiry

Lifestyle in Roxburgh Park
Around 23,000 people now reside in Roxburgh Park. The northern suburb of Melbourne is located 22 kilometres from MCentral Business District. There is 2 larger shopping centres and a Homemaker outlet. All the franchise take away stores are here including McDoanlds, KFC and Pizza Hut. For health services there is 2 medical clinics. The Roxburgh Park train station is located in the south-east corner and runs along the Craigieburn line.
Schools in Roxburgh Park
There are 5 schools in Roxburgh Park.

  • Good Samaritan Primary School Co-educational
  • Roxburgh College Co-educational
  • Roxburgh Homestead Primary School Co-educational
  • Roxburgh Park Primary School Co-educational
  • Roxburgh Rise Primary School Co-educational

Roxburgh Park Real Estate Agent Contact Details.

Rick Goodman and Ricky Goodman
Phone: 03 9303 8222
Email: Here