Real estate appraisal Tootgarook VIC 3941

How Much Is My Home Worth In Tootgarook?

Real Estate Appraisal Tootgarook VIC 3941

The median price for a house in Tootgarook is $650,000 as of January 27, 2021. There have been 92 houses sold this year. The average annual capital growth for houses is 5.82%. The 12-month capital growth is 8.62% for houses. The Demand to Supply Ratio or DSR rating has houses listed as above average. This translates to their being more buyers than sellers but only just. Vendors are getting their advertised asking price. The capital growth for property in Tootgarook should stay ahead of the national average for now. On average it takes 70 days to sell a house. The gross rental yield for houses is 3.14%.
House prices and rent returns in Tootgarook.

  • 2 bedroom home No Data Rent per week $330
  • 3 bedroom home $618,500 Rent per week $380
  • 4 bedroom home $895,000 Rent per week $520

Free Real Estate Appraisal Tootgarook

Are you going to sell a property you own in Tootgarook? Our sales agents perform free property appraisals on land and houses. We measure the value of your home against current market trends and factor in the property location to schools, shops and amenities. We will provide you with an accurate market price as to the value of your home.

Free Rental Appraisal Tootgarook

Do you own an investment property in Tootgarook? Or, are you moving and require a rental property manager? The network of O’Brien real estate manage over 3600 properties in Melbourne. We are experts in property management and can maximise your return on investment. We have a database of potential tenants looking to lease a home in Tootgarook. Each week your home is vacant costs you 2% of your annual income. We manage the rent collection, routine inspections and maintenance issues. At the end of each month w,e deliver to the landlord full tax accounting documents.

Property Valuation Tootgarook

Most people including myself initially thought a property valuation and a real estate appraisal were one in the same. In reality, they are very similar however if for legal matters you need your property valued then you must hire a licenced property valuer. This will come at a cost to you. If you require an appraisal then a registered real estate agent can do this for you.

The Swamp at Tootgarook

Tootgarook Enquiry

Lifestyle in Tootgarook
Tootgaraook is approximately 80 kilometres south of Melbourne. The northern border runs along Port Phillip and it is nestled between Rye and Capel Sound. There are wetlands which are 300 hectares in size and accommodates a multitude of fauna and flora. There are camping grounds on the foreshore and a number of retail outlets.
Schools in Tootgarook
There is 1 school in Tootgarook.

Tootgarook Real Estate Agent Contact Details.

Anastasia Howard
Managing Director of Rye Office
Phone: 03 5985 2733
Mobile: 0407 838 097
E:Email Here