Real estate appraisal Tynong VIC 3813

How Much Is My Home Worth In Tynong?

Real Estate Appraisal Tynong VIC 3183

As of February 3, 2025, there have been 5 houses sold within the last year. Houses in Tynong are on the market for an average of 80 days. The gross rental yield is 3.4% for homes.

House prices and rent returns in Tynong.

  • Unfortunately, there is not much data on property sales in Tynong

Free Real Estate Appraisal Tynong

Are you selling your home in Tynong or Tynong North? If you want to know the current market value of your house our appraisers will deliver a free and accurate appraisal. We base our findings on recent sales data together with the location to amenities, shops and schools. Our agents will provide this valuation free of charge and present their final price in a professional manner.

Free Rental Appraisal Tynong

Have you just purchased an investment property in Tynong and require a property manager? Or, are you moving out of your house in Tynong and want an appraisal on how much rent you can expect per week? Our property management team rent out over 3600 properties in Melbourne. We are experts in managing rentals. We have years of collective experience that provides vendors with the security their property is in safe hands. We use the latest rental management software. This enables us to schedule routine inspections, maintenance issues and rent collection. We deliver complete tax accounting documents to all our landlords. Our rental appraisals are provided free of charge.

Property Valuation Tynong

Are you aware there is a small difference between having a property appraisal and a property valuation? If you need a property valued for legal reasons then you need to engage the services of a registered valuer. They will charge you a fee to perform the valuation. With an appraisal any licence can provide this for you. We offer this service for free.

Gumbuya Park Tynong

Tynong Enquiry

Lifestyle in Tynong
There are about 470 residents in Tynong which is located 66 kilometres south-east of Melbourne. The Tynong train runs along the Bairnsdale line. On the northern border is the M1 motorway or Princes Highway. Its neighbouring suburbs are Nar Nar Goon and Garfield. There is the Tynong General Store or you can make a quick drive into Pakenham for the larger supermarket complexes.
Schools in Tynong
There is 1 school in Tynong.

Tynong Real Estate Agent Contact Details.
Rod Capuano
Director of Pakenham Office
Phone: 0414 960 000
E:Email Here

Recently Sold Property in Tynong by OBrien Real Estate

Please browse our list of recent house sales.


Price: contact agent


11 Howitt Street


$ 335,000


7 Howitt Street


Price: contact agent


54 Tynong Road


$ 480,000


9 Nar Nar Goon-Longwarry Road

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