Complaint Handling

How to make a complaint

OBrien Real Estate aims to make it easy for you to bring any feedback, problems or complaints to our attention.

You should first raise your issue with the agent, representative or property manager who is handling your business.

If you are not satisfied with the outcome from the relevant OBrien Real Estate representative, you can also make a complaint to your local Complaint Officer as detailed in the table below:

OfficePrivacy OfficerComplaints OfficerEmail ContactTelephone Contact Mailing Address
Alexandra Jess MelenhorstJess 5772 1774104a Grant Street Alexandra VIC
BairnsdaleLaura WaitesLaura 03 5153 2929180 Main Street Bairnsdale VIC 3875
BentleighMax MartinucciMax 7032 8555390 Centre road Bentleigh 3204
BerwickMelissa BalsomMelissa 9707 055656-58 High Street, Berwick VIC 3806
Blackburn Anna MolinaroAnna 9894 204498 South Parade Blackburn VIC 3130
BrightonRobert EierweisRobert 9088 88885/26-28 Church Street Brighton VIC 3186
Carrum DownsAshleigh NelsonAshleigh 9783 0688Shop 4 & 5, 121 Hall Road, Carrum Downs VIC 3201
ChelseaPM: Caitlin Burgess

Sales: Stavros
PM: Caitlin Burgess

Sales: Stavros
03 9772 7077463 Nepean Highway Chelsea VIC 3196
CheltenhamPeter KonidarisPeter 9701 86116/296 Bay Road, Cheltenham Vic 3192
Corporate Michelle SayersMichelle 9100 07791/245 Clarendon St, South Melbourne VIC 3205
CowesClient CareClient Care 5952 510052-54 Thompson Ave Cowes VIC 3922
CranbourneMelissa BalsomMelissa 5995 0500Shop FS005, Cranbourne Park Shopping Centre Cranbourne Vic 3977
Deer Park Ross VorriasRoss 9307 4488825 Ballarat Road Deer Park Vic 3023
DrouinLesley OwenLesley 5625 167179 Princes Way Drouin Vic 3818
Frankston Sophia MilneSophia 9781 66661/474 Nepean Highway Frankston Vic 3199
HastingsKatie JonesKatie 5979 883357 High St Hastings Vic 3915
LangwarrinAshleigh O’BrienAshleigh O’Brienashleigh.o’ 03 8738 7228Shop 10, The Gateway Shopping Centre 230 Cranbourne-Frankston Road Langwarrin Vic 3910
MeltonDavid HowDavid 9743 9743284-286 High St Melton Vic 3337
MordiallocGreg ScherwinskiGreg 9586 7555521 Main Street, Modrialloc Vic 3195
MorningtonJye ReadJye 5975 77332/188 Main St Mornington Vic 3931
Narre WarrenMelissa BalsomMelissa 8794 0500Suite 3, Ground Floor 58 Victor Crescent, Narre Warren VIC 3805
OakleighGareth ApswoudeGareth 9088 860831 Atherton Road Oakleigh VIC 3166
PakenhamRod CapuanoRod 03 5940 4044Suite 2, Level 1 48 John Street Pakenham VIC 3810
Preston George StathakisGeorge 9478 50056/109 Plenty Road Preston Vic 3072
RingwoodChristine TurnerChristine 03 9879 63351/23 Ringwood St Ringwood VIC 3134
RowvilleMelanie HedleyMelanie 9756 5900Shop 6, 1091 Stud Road, Rowville Vic 3178
San RemoClient CareClient Care 567 588575-77 Phillip Island Road San Remo VIC
SeafordPM: Caitlin Burgess

Sales: Stavros
PM: Caitlin Burgess

Sales: Stavros
03 9785 3888112 Nepean Hwy, Seaford VIC 3198
SeddonShantell VelianisShantell 9191 1995156 Victoria Street, Seddon Vic 3011
SomervilleShelly BrownShelly 5977 8877Shop 3 1065 Frankston Flinders Road Somerville Vic 3912
St AlbansBenny NguyenBenny 9366 818822 Alfrieda St, St Albans VIC 3021
SunshineBenny NguyenBenny 9311 68844A/282 Hampshire Rd, Sunshine VIC 3020
SydenhamPamela LatoreePamela 9449 448817B Overton Lea Boulevard Sydenham Vic 3037
Tecoma Rebekah WhittakerRebekah 9754 3000Shop 4, 1563 Burwood Highway Tecoma Vic 3160
TorquayNick KearseyNick 5292 1993Shop 9, 12 Gilbert St Torquary Vic 3228
VermontRachael LouRachael 9087 1087Shop 1/580 Canterbury Road Vermont Vic 3133
WangarattaMelanie MartensMelanie 5722 233616/18 Murphy St Wangaratta Vic 3677
WantirnaNicole GardnerNicole 8820 8338207 Stud Road Wantirna Vic 3152
Werribee Marnee JablonskiMarnee 9742 7557 2/85 Synnot St Werribee Vic 3030
WodongaVanessa MeehanVanessa 6059 06112/137 High St Wodonga Vic 3690
WonthaggiClient CareClient Care 5952 510052-54 Thompson Ave Cowes VIC 3922
WarragulLesley OwenLesley 5625 167133 Smith St Warragul Vic 3820
Office  Privacy Officer Complaints Officer Email Contact Telephone Contact  Mailing Address
Alexandra  Jess Melenhorst Jess Melenhorst 03 5772 1774 104a Grant Street Alexandra VIC
Bairnsdale Laura Waites Laura Waites  03 5153 2929 180 Main Street Bairnsdale VIC 3875
Bentleigh Max Martinucci Max Martinucci 03 7032 8555 390 Centre road Bentleigh 3204
Berwick Melissa Balsom Melissa Balsom 03 9707 0556 56-58 High Street, Berwick VIC 3806
Blackburn  Anna Molinaro Anna Molinaro 03 9894 2044 98 South Parade Blackburn VIC 3130
Brighton Robert Eierweis Robert Eierweis 03 9088 8888 5/26-28 Church Street Brighton VIC 3186
Cairns Monique Cruse Monique Cruse 07 4082 7460 Shop 8 & 9/55-57 Endeavour Road Clifton Beach Qld 4879
Carrum Downs Bronwyn Payne Bronwyn Payne 03 9783 0688 Shop 4 & 5, 121 Hall Road, Carrum Downs VIC 3201
Chelsea Bronwyn Payne Bronwyn Payne 03 9772 7077 463 Nepean Highway Chelsea VIC 3196
Corporate  Michelle Sayers Michelle Sayers 03 9100 0779 1/255 Clar
Cowes Kaitlin Foote Kaitlin Foote 03 5952 5100 52-54 Thompson Ave Cowes VIC 3922
Cranbourne Melissa Balsom Melissa Balsom 03 5995 0500 Shop FS005, Cranbourne Park Shopping Centre Cranbourne Vic 3977
Croydon Jerry Caleca Jerry Caleca 03 9725 8888 61 Mt Dandenong Road Croydon VIC 3136
Deer Park  Ross Vorrias Ross Vorrias 03 9307 4488 825 Ballarat Road Deer Park Vic 3023
Drouin Lesley Owen Lesley Owen 03 5625 1671 79 Princes Way Drouin Vic 3818
Endeavour Hills Jay Giblett Jay Giblett  03 9706 0556 PS 5A Endeavour Hills Shopping Centre Endeavour Hills VIC 3802
Frankston  Sophia Milne Sophia Milne 03 9781 6666 1/474 Nepean Highway Frankston Vic 3199
Hastings Katie Jones Katie Jones 03 5979 8833 57 High St Hastings Vic 3915
Keysborough Peter Konidaris Peter Konidaris  03 9701 8611 Shop 6, Parkmore Shopping Centre, 317 Cheltenham Road Keysborough Vic 3173
Langwarrin Ashleigh O’Brien Ashleigh O’Brien ashleigh.o’  03 8738 7228 Shop 10, The Gateway Shopping Centre 230 Cranbourne-Frankston Road Langwarrin Vic 3910
Melton David How David How 03 9743 9743 284-286 High St Melton Vic 3337
Mentone Byron Kerr Byron Kerr byron 03 9585 5667 99 Balcombe Road, Mentone Vic 3194
Mornington Fraser Bayne Fraser Bayne 03 5975 7733 2/188 Main St Mornington Vic 3931
Narre Warren Melissa Balsom Melissa Balsom 03 8794 0500 32 Overland Drive Narre Warren Vic 3805
Oakleigh Gareth Apswoude Gareth Apswoude 03 9088 8608 31 Atherton Road Oakleigh VIC 3166
Pakenham Rod Capuano Rod Capuano  03 5940 4044 Suite 2, Level 1 48 John Street Pakenham VIC 3810
Preston  George Stathakis George Stathakis 03 9478 5005 6/109 Plenty Road Preston Vic 3072
Ringwood Katie Punton Katie Punton  03 9879 6335 1/23 Ringwood St Ringwood VIC 3134
Rye Michelle Winch Michelle Winch 03 5985 2733 2349 Point Nepean Road Rye Vic 3940
San Remo Kaitlin Foote Kaitlin Foote 03 567 5885 75-77 Phillip Island Road San Remo VIC
Somerville Shelly Brown Shelly Brown 03 5977 8877 Shop 3 1065 Frankston Flinders Road Somerville Vic 3912
Sydenham Pamela Latoree Pamela Latoree 03 9449 4488 17B Overton Lea Boulevard Sydenham Vic 3037
Tecoma  Rebekah Whittaker Rebekah Whittaker 03 9754 3000 Shop 4, 1563 Burwood Highway Tecoma Vic 3160
Torquay Cameron Edgoose Cameron Edgoose 03 5292 1993 Shop 9, 12 Gilbert St Torquary Vic 3228
Vermont Rachael Lou Rachael Lou 03 9087 1087 Shop 1/580 Canterbury Road Vermont Vic 3133
Wangaratta Melanie Martens Melanie Martens 03 5722 2336 16/18 Murphy St Wangaratta Vic 3677
Wantirna Nicole Gardner Nicole Gardner 03 8820 8338 207 Stud Road Wantirna Vic 3152
Werribee  Marnee Jablonski Marnee Jablonski 03 9742 7557  2/85 Synnot St Werribee Vic 3030
Wodonga Vanessa Meehan Vanessa Meehan 02 6059 0611 2/137 High St Wodonga Vic 3690
Wonthaggi Kaitlin Foote Kaitlin Foote 03 5952 5100 52-54 Thompson Ave Cowes VIC 3922
Warragul Lesley Owen Lesley Owen 03 5625 1671 33 Smith St Warragul Vic 3820

Please provide as much detail as possible about your complaint, including the outcome you would like.

If you need help to describe or send your complaint, or if you would like to discuss your concerns informally first, please feel free to contact us.

How we will handle your complaint

We will oversee the complaints process. We are responsible for working with you and relevant agency staff, to ensure that the issues you raise are fully examined and that your complaint is handled in accordance with this process.

We will treat the process, and all the details of your complaint, in strict confidence. If we need to discuss any issues arising from your complaint with someone outside of the agency, we will obtain your consent first.

We will always try to give you a fair opportunity to explain your case. You should make your initial complaint as clear as possible. Sometimes we may want to meet you in person to discuss your concerns and try to find a satisfactory solution.

How long will it take?

We will try to resolve your complaint as soon as possible. However, how long this takes will depend on the nature and complexity of the issues you have raised.

We will send you acknowledgment of receipt of the complaint within two business days. We will always try to match our response to the nature of your complaint and your desired outcome, but this may not always be possible.

What action will we take in response to your complaint?

If we decide that your complaint is justified, we will then decide what action we should take in response. We will always try to match our response to the nature of your complaint and your desired outcome, but this may not always be possible.

Some of the things we might do include:

  • take steps to rectify the problem or issue you have raised
  • give you additional information or advice so you can understand what happened or how we have dealt with it
  • take steps to change our policies or procedures if your complaint identifies a problem in the way we are doing things.

What if you still feel your complaint remains unresolved?

Sometimes it will not be possible to resolve a complaint to everyone’s satisfaction, and you might want to escalate the matter to the Estate Agents Resolution Service (EARS) at Consumer Affairs Victoria.

EARS can deal with enquiries and complaints about real estate agents and offers information, advice and dispute resolution services on real estate issues.

You can telephone EARS on 1300 73 70 30 weekdays to discuss your complaint.

Appraisal Form