OBrien Real Estate Endeavour Hills

How Much is My Home Worth in Endeavour Hills?

Real Estate Appraisal Endeavour Hills VIC 3802

The median price for a house in Endeavour Hills is $650,000 as of January 23, 2021. A median-priced unit is $590,000. There has been 212 homes and 55 units sold so far in 2020. The average annual capital growth for homes is 5.31% and units is 6.27%. The 12-month capital growth is 5.26% on houses and 18.83% for units. The Demand to Supply Ratio or DSR rating has homes as good. Purchasers are not getting away with low bids. Currently, there are more buyers than sellers. Expect the capital growth to stay ahead of the national average.

The gross rental yield for houses is 3.16% and for units it is 3.17%. I t takes 46 days to sell a house and 68 days to sell an apartment in Endeavour Hills.
House prices and rent returns in Endeavour Hills

  • 3 bedroom home $611,000 Rent per week $380
  • 4 bedroom home $658,000 Rent per week $440

Unit prices and rent returns in Endeavour Hills.

  • 2 bedroom unit No Data Rent per week $350
  • 3 bedroom unit $512,500 Rent per week $380

Free Real Estate Appraisal Endeavour Hills

If you are thinking of selling your home we offer free real estate appraisals. Our appraisers value land, units, apartments and houses. We are free to meet any time of the week to show you how we value your property. Typically our appraisals are factored on the location to shops, schools and public transport. We also consider the recent sales history of real estate in Endeavour Hills.

Free Rental Appraisal in Endeavour Hills

Our property management team manages over 3500 homes in Endeavour Hills and surrounding suburbs. We give free and accurate rental valuations on houses and units. We meet with the landlord to find out if the property is for short term or long term lease. We discover the type of tenant the landlord prefers and access our database to find a match. We present our list to the landlord. If there are no suitable candidates we advertise the rental property via all real estate rental properties including our own website.

Endeavour Hills Suburb Profile

Endeavour Hills Enquiry

Lifestyle in Endeavour Hills
Endeavour Hills is an established south eastern suburb of Melbourne. It is located 31 kilometres from the CBD. There are many parks and gardens in this hilly, leafy suburb. The main shopping complex is the Endeavour Hills Shopping Centre which houses large supermarkets and a variety of other retailers. There is a 24-hour Ambulance station. For recreation, there is a skate park, football, soccer and tennis facilities.

Schools in Endeavour Hills
There are 8 schools in Endeavour Hills.

  • Endeavour Hills Secondary College Co-educational
  • Thomas Mitchell Primary School Co-educational
  • Mossgiel Park Primary School Co-educational
  • St Paul The Apostle North School

Endeavour Hills Real Estate Agent Contact Details.

Jay Giblett
Director of Endeavour Hills Office
Phone: 03 9706 0556
Mobile: 0417 681 312
Email Here