Real estate appraisal Dromana VIC 3936

How Much is My Home Worth in Dromana?

Real Estate Appraisal Dromana VIC 3936

The median price for a house in Dromana is $740,000 as of January 7, 2021. A median-priced unit is $650,000. There have been 115 houses and 35 units sold in the last year. The average annual capital growth for houses is 4.96% and units is 6.52%. The 12-month capital growth is 3.68% on houses and 1.2% for units. The Demand to Supply Ratio or DSR rating has houses and units or apartments as above average. This rating is considered as healthy for investors. Sellers are usually getting their advertised sales price. As an investment expect the capital growth to stay ahead of the national average. It currently takes 74 days to sell a house and 69 days to sell a unit.
House prices and rent returns in Dromana.

  • 2 bedroom home $661,000 Rent per week $360
  • 3 bedroom home $740,000 Rent per week $425
  • 4 bedroom home $775,000 Rent per week $505

Unit prices and rent returns in Dromana.

  • 2 bedroom unit $468,000 Rent per week $350
  • 3 bedroom unit $749,000 Rent per week $435

The gross rental yield for a house is 2.97% and for a unit, it is 3.34%

Free Real Estate Appraisal Dromana

Are you thinking about selling your home in Dromana? Our sales agents are available to give you a free property appraisal. We appraise land, units, apartments and houses. We base our final valuation on the properties location to shops, schools and other amenities. We also factor in the recent sales history of property sold in Dromana.

Free Rental Appraisal Dromana

Have you recently purchased an investment property in Dromana and require a rental manager? Or are you moving and want to lease your home? Our property management team provide free rental appraisals on units and homes. The O’Brien group currently manage over 3600 homes in Melbourne. We utilise the latest software to maximise your return on investment. We manage rent collection, maintenance issues and routine inspections. We base our rent appraisal on current market values. We have a database of potential tenants looking to rent in Dromana.

Property in Dromana

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Lifestyle in Dromana
Dromana is located south of Melbourne on the Mornington Peninsula. There are over 20 vineyards in Dromana. It also has its own drive-in. The highest point is Arthurs Seat which offers views of Port Phillip, Safety Beach, Mount Martha and Portsea. The Mornington Peninsula Freeway runs through Dromana. This is a popular destination for holidaymakers. The are many restaurants and take away food outlets along the main street.
Schools in Dromana
There are 3 schools in Dromana.

Dromana Real Estate Agent Contact Details.

Braden Jarrett
Director of Mornington Office
Phone: 03 5975 1250
Mobile: 0416 310 998
E:Email Here