Real estate appraisal Fawkner VIC 3060

How Much Is My Home Worth In Fawkner?

Real Estate Appraisal Fawkner VIC 3060

The median price for a house in Fawkner is $700,000 as of Janyuary 7, 2021. A median-priced unit is $510,000. There have been 122 houses and 54 units sold in the last year. The average annual capital growth for houses is 5.05% and units is 5.35%. The 12-month capital growth is 8.46% on houses and 12.63% for units. The Demand to Supply Ratio or DSR rating has houses as good and units or apartments as good. There is a demand for units in Fawkner. Vendors are usually getting their asking price. If you are looking to buy as an investment then you can expect the capital growth to stay ahead of the national average. It takes 56 days to sell a house and 48 days to sell a unit in Fawkner.
House prices and rent returns in Fawkner.

  • 2 bedroom home $680,000 Rent per week $360
  • 3 bedroom home $690,000 Rent per week $400
  • 4 bedroom home $760,000 Rent per week $490

Unit prices and rent returns in Fawkner.

  • 2 bedroom unit $510,000 Rent per week $360
  • 3 bedroom unit $560,000 Rent per week $450

The gross rental yield for a house is 2.99% and for units, it is 3.87%.

Free Real Estate Appraisal Fawkner

Are you selling your home in Fawkner and want to know the market price? Our real estate sales agents will provide an accurate appraisal as to the value of your property. Our valuation factors in the recent sales, location to shops, schools and amenities. Each property is different. There are buyers that have special requests. We have a database of potential buyers looking for residences in Fawkner.

Free Rental Appraisal Fawkner

Do you own an investment property that you wish to rent or lease? Or, are you thinking about renting out your existing home? The O’Brien property management team currently manages over 3600 properties in Melbourne. We have a list of tenants looking for a rental property to move into now. Our software will manage routine inspection dates, rent collection and tax accounting files. Our tenants and landlords have rights and we make it clear to both parties as to their obligations.

Fawkner Festival

Fawkner Enquiry

Lifestyle in Fawkner
The average age of a resident in Fakner is between 20- 39. Families make up 52% of the population of just over 14,000 people. Fawkner is just 12 kilometres north of the Melbourne CBD. Sydney Road runs along the western border. Also along the western border and the Gowrie and Fawkner train stations that are on the Upline line. Neighbouring suburbs include Hadfield, Coburg and Reservoir.
Schools in Fawkner
There are 5 schools in Fawkner.

  • Fawkner Primary School Co-educational
  • John Fawkner College Co-educational
  • Darul Ulum College Of Victoria Co-educational
  • St Mark’s School Co-educational
  • Moomba Park Primary School Co-educational

Preston Real Estate Agent Contact Details.
George Stathakis
Director of Preston Office
Phone: 03 9478 5005
E:Email Here