How Much Is My Home Worth In Greenvale?
Real Estate Appraisal Greenvale VIC 3059
The median price for a house in Greenvale is $726,000 as of September 12, 2024. The median price of a unit is $880,000. In Greenvale, houses rent for $600 PW annually, yielding a 4.1% rental return, while apartments rent for $530 PW, yielding a 4.6% rental yield. These are some options to consider if you’re searching for an investment property. For homes in Greenvale, the yearly compound growth rate has been 3.5% and -3.9%, respectively. It takes on average 41 days to sell a house in Greenvale.
House prices and rent returns in Greenvale.
- 3 bedroom home $731,000 Rent per week $570
- 4 bedroom home $907,000 Rent per week $610
Unit rent returns in Greenvale.
- 3 bedroom unit No Data, rent per week $527
Free Real Estate Appraisal Greenvale
Selling your house in Greenvale? Do you want to know the current market price of your house or unit? Our appraisers will deliver an accurate appraisal based on recent sales data together with the location to amenities, schools and shops. Our agents will provide this valuation free of charge.
Free Rental Appraisal Greenvale
Do you have an investment property you wish to rent? Or, do you want to rent out your current home? Our property management team currently manage over 250 properties. There is no scenario we have not dealt with when it comes to managing real estate. We use the latest software tools to streamline our services. We deal directly with the landlord and keep them up to speed with the rental of their property.
Property Valuation Greenvale
There is a difference between a valuation and an appraisal of your property. A licenced real estate agent can provide an appraisal on your house or land, but, if for legal reasons you need a valuation then you must employ a registered valuer. They will charge a fee for this service. We provide real estate appraisals for free.
Greenvale Reservoir
Greenvale Enquiry
Lifestyle in Greenvale
Approximately 16,000 people live in Greenvale which is located 20 kilometres north of Melbourne. Greenvale is only 10 kilomteres form the Melbourne Airport. Australian rules football and soccer has clubs. The Greenvale Shopping Centre has over 25 stores including Coles. There is a health and fitness centre and an Australia Post outlet. Neighbouring suburbs include Roxburgh Park, Yuroke and Attwood.
Schools in Greenvale
There are 4 schools in Greenvale.
- Greenvale Primary School Co-educational
- Aitken College Co-educational Private
- St Carlo Boromeo Primary School Co-educational
- Kolbe Catholic College Co-educational
Greenvale Real Estate Agent Contact Details.
Thanh Tang (Cindy)
Phone: 0419 3773787
Recently Sold Property in Greenvale
Please browse our list of recent home sales.
$ 342,500
23/5 Lynton Court
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