Real estate appraisal Olinda VIC 3788

How Much Is My Home Worth In Olinda?

Real Estate Appraisal Olinda VIC 3788

The median price for a house in Olinda is $777,000 as of January 7, 2021. There have been 25 homes sold this year. The annual average capital growth for homes is 6.11%. The 12-month capital growth is 3.03% on houses. It takes approximately 58 days to sell a house in Olinda. The gross rental yield for houses is 3.22%. The DSR or Demand to Supply Ratio rating has homes as good. Currently, there are more buyers than sellers. This is an attractive market for home buyers and investors. Vendors are getting their advertised property price. Expect the capital real estate growth to trend ahead of the nation’s average.
House prices and rent returns in Olinda.

  • 3 bedroom home $737,000 Rent per week No Data
  • 4 bedroom home No Data Rent per week No Data

Free Real Estate Appraisal Olinda

Do you want to know your property value in Olinda? Or, are you thinking of selling and want an estimation as to how much your home is worth? Our sales agents provide free property appraisals on land, houses and units. Each of our appraisals is based around the recent sales history in Olinda and the home’s location to shops, schools and amenities. Our appraiser will deliver an accurate and professional report as to the value of your property.

Free Rental Appraisal Olinda

O’Brien Real Estate manage over 3600 properties in Melbourne. Our rental managers are experts in property management and developing a relationship with the property owner. Our mission is to maximise the owners return on investment and at the same time keep our tenants happy. We do free rental appraisals on houses and units or apartments. We first discuss the type of tenant that is required and the length of the rental term. We will then filter our database of potential renters to see if we find a match. This can save time and money in relation to advertising the property for rent. We engage the latest rental software which manages the rent collection, routine inspections, maintenance issues and full tax accounting files.

Property Valuation Olinda

For most people, property valuation or appraisal are one and the same. However, if you are required by law to obtain a valuation then you must engage the services of the registered valuer. This will come at a cost to you.

Olinda Suburb Profile

Olinda Enquiry

Lifestyle in Olinda
Olinda is located in the Dandenong Ranges and is a destination frequented by tourists. It is 36 kilometres east of the Melbourne CBD. Olinda has many arts and crafts outlets together with cafes and restaurants. If you want to play golf go the the Olinda Golf Course. Or, if you like walking you can visit The National Rhododendron Gardens, Pirianda Garden or have a BBQ at the 120 hectare R.J. Hamer Arboretum which includes exotic and native trees.

Schools in Olinda
There is 1 school in Olinda.

Tecoma Real Estate Agent Contact Details.

Rebekah Whittaker
Director of Tecoma Office
Phone: 03 9754 3000
Mobile: 0402 982 544
Email Here