Real estate appraisal Tyabb VIC 3913

How Much Is My Home Worth In Tyabb?

Real Estate Appraisal Tyabb VIC 3813

The median price for a house in Tyabb is $832,000 as of January 27, 2021. There have been 31 house sales this year and 11 units sold. The average annual capital growth for houses is 7.75% and for units is 21.68%. The 12-month capital growth is 9.34% on houses. The Demand to Supply Ratio or DSR rating has houses ranking as above average. There is currently more demand than supply but only marginally. Vendors are usually getting the price they are asking for. As an investment expect the capital growth to trend ahead of the national average. It currently takes 70 days to sell a house and 77 days to sell a unit in Tyabb. The gross rental yield for houses is 3.90% and for units it is 3.93%
House prices and rent returns in Tyabb.

  • 2 bedroom home No Data Rent per week No Data
  • 3 bedroom home $580,000 Rent per week $450
  • 4 bedroom home $1,022,000 Rent per week No Data

Free Real Estate Appraisal Tyabb

Selling your house in Tyabb? Do you want to know the current market price of your house or unit? Our appraisers will deliver an accurate appraisal based on recent sales data together with the location to amenities, schools and shops. Our agents will provide this valuation free of charge.

Free Rental Appraisal Tyabb

Do you have an investment property you wish to rent? Or, do you want to rent out your current home? Our property management team currently manages over 3500 properties. There is no scenario we have not dealt with when it comes to managing real estate. We use the latest software tools to streamline our services. We deal directly with the landlord and keep them up to speed with the rental of their property.

Property Valuation Tyabb

Are you aware that there is a difference between a property valuation and a property appraisal? If you have for legal reasons been told to get a valuation then you will need to employ a registered property valuer. If you only request the market price of your home you can utilise any licenced real estate agent. We provide appraisals free of charge.

Aeroplane Flight over Tyabb

Tyabb Enquiry

Lifestyle in Tyabb
Tyabb is a semi-rural town that borders on Western Port Bay. Tyabb’s neighbouring suburbs include Hastings and Somerville. You can board a train at the Tyabb Railways Station that runs on the Stony Point line. If you want there are a few antique stores and a variery of shops. Tyabb is located approximately 65 kilometres south-east of the Melbourne central business district.
Schools in Tyabb
There are 2 schools in Tyabb.

Tyabb Real Estate Agent Contact Details.

Ty Luff
Director of Somerville Office
Phone: 03 5977 8877
E:Email Here